Vandaag is donderdag 13 maart  

categorie categorie Muziek
wanneerzondag 16 februari    Evangelie van 2025-02-16
begintijd13:30 uur
eindtijd16:00 uur
 titelHildegard Study Day for women

Join Marsja Mudde, soprano and early music specialist, on her monthly Study Day on the music of Hildegard von Bingen. Learn how to read and sing this beautiful music from the original notation, and/or through the medieval oral transmission method.

Active participation open for (who identify as) women only. Others are welcome to observe. Maximum number of active participants 15. We share the costs, minimum 15€ per person, maximum € 45 per person, depending on the number of participants.

Payment goes through a digital payment request or an invoice. If you don’t show up, you still pay the minimum fee in order to compensate renting the venue.

Enroll through sending Marsja Mudde a message or email stating your name, the date of the Hildegard Study Day and your contact information. See her profile information for contact information.


locatieOude Lambertuskerk, Graaf van Solmsweg 75
Google map

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