Vandaag is dinsdag 11 maart  

categorie categorie Retraite
wanneerzaterdag 8 t/m zondag 9 februari    Evangelie van 2025-02-08
 titelNew Eve Foundation - Women’s Retreat

New Eve Foundation hosts a Retreat for women on February 8th and 9th of 2025 in Villaggio Betania ~ Bracciano, Italy.

Cost: €30; Includes accommodations and all meals on Saturday, Sunday breakfast and a participant gift and journal (financial assistance available).

Single (unmarried) women ages 18-35: Join us to encounter Christ through the truth, beauty, and the goodness of your femininity!

Enjoy fellowship, small group discussions, personal prayer and inspiring talks. Chris Vincent Gault, OP (Dublin Province) will offer Mass along with time for Eucharistic Adoration and Confession.

Sponsored by The New Eve Foundation and The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia.


locatieVillaggio Betania
plaatsBracciano (Italië)
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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