Vandaag is vrijdag 7 februari  

categorie categorie Muziek
wanneerzondag 19 januari    Evangelie van 2025-01-19
begintijd13:30 uur
eindtijd16:30 uur
 titelHildegard Study Day for women

Next Hildegard Study Day will be held in or near Den Bosch on Sunday Afternoon 19 January 2025. We will study on her “O pater omnipotens” (a part of her Ordo Virtutum) and on “O virtus sapientie”.

Target audience
Enthusiasts of any level, only women (sorry gentlemen)

Number of participants
Minimum 2 (we work less hours), maximum 15, register until the Wednesday before, via Marsja

Every month we will work a Sunday afternoon from 13:30 to 16:30 h (or shorter with fewer participants), with a short coffeebreak.

We share the costs with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 45 Euro per person. You can pay via a digital link or you will receive a bill afterwards.

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) was an abbess with many qualities, one of which was composing. Her music is characterized by greater freedom and scope in the melodies than the Gregorian chant of her time. The lyrics of her songs also show an enormous wealth of images and layers of meaning. This combination makes her oevre so fascinating that a monthly study day is devoted to it.

The way of working is according to oral tradition, as was common in Hildegard’s time. Marsja speaks and sings, the participants imitate, and so on. The written text and translation are used as tools, which we study carefully in advance. In addition, hand gestures are used that are traced from the original notation of this music, which has been handed down in manuscripts from her time. If necessary, copies of the manuscripts and a simple transcription without rhythm are provided. Audio recordings can also be used to facilitate studying.

Right now, the goal is study. At a later stage, performing could also become a goal, depending on the capabilities and needs of the participants.


locatieIn or near Den Bosch
plaatsDen Bosch (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
Google map

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