Vandaag is zaterdag 21 september  

categorie categorie Muziek
wanneerwoensdag 20 t/m zaterdag 23 juli 2022    Evangelie van 2022-07-20
 titelInternational Improvisation Competition

The 54th Haarlem International Improvisation Competition will take place on Wednesday 20, Friday 22 and Saturday 23 July, 2022 and will be held on several organs in Haarlem. The material for the assignments will be created by several artists, and will not be only musical! As in 2016, 2018 and 2021, new elements and experimental techniques of improvising on and with the organ will be introduced, next to traditional improvising styles.

The participants in the Improvisation Competition 2022 were selected anonymously by an international jury, consisting of Ansgar Wallenhorst (D), Zuzana Ferjenčíková (SLO/A) and Jan Hage (NL). They judged 16 recordings submitted by organists from all over the world. The selected participants are:

  • Sebastian Benetello (D)
  • Marcel Eliasch (D)
  • Niklas Jahn (D)
  • Cyril Julien (CH)
  • David Kiefer (D)
  • Harmen Trimp (NL)
  • Wouter van der Wilt (NL)

The eighth participant will be the winner of the Dordrecht Bachfestival Competition, which will take place on 23 June.


plaatsHaarlem (Noord-Holland)
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