Vandaag is zaterdag 21 september  

categorie categorie Ontmoeting
wanneerzaterdag 7 t/m zondag 15 augustus 2021    Evangelie van 2021-08-07
 titelMagis Europe 2021

So, let’s just assume you belong to the second group of people. First question to ask yourself: am I still free from August 7 to 15, 2021? If yes, get up and rejoice, then continue reading. If no, still continue reading and then try and free yourself of everything that is still standing between you and a once-in-a-lifetime experience at MAGIS Europe 2021.

Organized by the Hungarian Jesuits (with the help of other Jesuits and sisters from several Ignatian congregations) MAGIS is a summer program for everyone between 18 and 35 who wants to have an extraordinarily great time with people from all over Europe (sometimes other continents too) and of course, with God!

Based on Ignatian spirituality, the MAGIS event has two parts: Ignatian experiments and the closing event. Everything you do during MAGIS is designed to help you grow spiritually and as a human being (while having lots of fun, of course). During the experiments you will be encouraged to experience yourself in a new way: you’ll find yourself in unusual situations, maybe requiring you to go beyond your comfort zone. You’ll probably realize that teamwork is essential while making friends with people from many different countries and discovering that we all belong to one international community of human beings.

The experiments (August 7-13) will take place in Hungary and in the neighboring Slovakia. Everyone will participate in one of the 12 experiments which can be roughly grouped into the following categories: pilgrimage, spirituality, service, arts, culture and ecology. For the closing event (August 13-15) in Miskolc (Hungary), all participants from all experiments will gather and celebrate LIFE - our Living God - together.

The central theme of MAGIS 2021 will be the conversion of Saint Ignatius: “To see all things new in Christ”. The year 2021 is the 500th anniversary of his conversion: his transformation from a noble knight at the siege of Pamplona to a humble pilgrim, the companion of Jesus.

The MAGIS event is also inspired by the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, and also from the first of the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus: „To show the way to God”. Throughout the meeting we would like to discover the Eucharistic aspect of the Ignatian spirituality in depth.

Congratulations, you made it through this text. :-) So you will not be shocked to read that the event will be held entirely in English and that you need a sufficiently high level of English in order to fully enjoy MAGIS. So, get your diary and mark August 7-15, 2021!

You already marked it? Great, now you can proceed to the registration! First you have to create an account on this website by clicking on the ‘Apply’ button in the top row by providing a bit of information about you - name, nationality, age, etc. (If you have your account from 2020, you can skip this step.) We guide you through the steps of the application process in this article.

If you have your account, you just have to wait until we send you an email that we have contacted your referral person. Until then, explore the experiment choices on the website! After your account is activated, you can send your application to the event. The application is open until 15 June. We ask you remain with us in prayer for a Covid- and restriction-free summer!

After you will have applied and set your preferred experiments, only one step remains to finalise your application: participation fee payment. In order to avoid any risk of unnecessary payments, we work out a payment scheme that is best and safest amidst all these uncertainties. You can expect a notification email regarding the payment in the second half of June. As for the participation fee: depending on what region you come from, the fee is 250-320 EUR for the event.


locatieHongarije en Slowakije
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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