Vandaag is woensdag 17 juli  

categorie categorie Lezing
wanneerzondag 25 februari    Evangelie van 2024-02-25
begintijd15:00 uur
eindtijd16:00 uur
 titelEnglish lecture + exhibition Shroud of Turin

From Monday, February 19 through Monday, March 11, 2024, you will have the opportunity to visit a life-size replica of the Shroud of Turin accompanied by an exhibition of archaeological finds, artifacts and explanations of the various scientific investigations, at the Basilica of the Blessed Sacrament in Meerssen.

For those who would like to delve into the shroud, the exhibition ”Who is the Man of the Shroud” offers a valuable opportunity to connect with and delve into history as well as reality.

The exhibition can be viewed during the Basilica’s opening hours from Feb. 19 to March 11. There will also be a lecture for those interested on Sunday, February 25 and Sunday, March 3 after the 11:00 a.m. Mass in Dutch and on Sunday February 25 at 15:00 in English


More information:

locatieBasiliek van het Heilig Sacrament, Markt 17, 6231 LT Meerssen
plaatsMeerssen (Limburg)
Google map

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