Vandaag is vrijdag 27 september  

categorie categorie Muziek
wanneerzaterdag 18 december 2021    Evangelie van 2021-12-18
begintijd22:00 uur
 titelCharis - Christmas concert - Here I am

CHARIS through the Youth Commission has prepared a Christmas concert called ‘Here I am’, which will take place this Saturday, December 18 that 22.00 uur. Rome time. The Concert will be broadcast from several Continents for the whole world and for all ages.

These are the official channels in English:

For the Catholic Charismatic Renewal young people are a fundamental part, so young Christians singing together will be the protagonists of this event.

In the hours leading up to the concert, it is very important that you promote in all the networks in which you participate and encourage all your contacts to join in this moment of grace for Christmas.

We are looking forward to your attendance!



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