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Opus Dei

Opus Dei

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Personele prelatuur van de katholieke Kerk die gewone leken helpt de heiligheid na te streven in hun dagelijkse bezigheden, in het bijzonder door hun werk, gesticht in 1928 door Jozefmaria Escrivá

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wanneerzaterdag 18 september 2021    Evangelie van 2021-09-18
begintijd12:00 uur
eindtijd16:00 uur
 titelHybrid event - Energy & Climate Change

Hybrid = participate live or online

The European Union has announced a raft of climate change proposals aimed at pushing it towards its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

A dozen draft proposals, which still need to be approved by the bloc’s 27 member states and the EU parliament, were announced on September 14th, 2020. They include plans to tax jet fuel and effectively ban the sale of petrol and diesel powered cars within 20 years.

The measures are likely to push up household heating bills, as well as increase the cost of flights. Financial assistance will be available for people to install insulation and make other long-term changes to their homes BUT will this be enough and will it be in time?

What do you think and Where do you stand?
Do you think about Green energy?  Actually, what is Green Energy? Is it relevant to you if you already use public transportation or have an electric car or e-bike? Why all this talk about global warming, climate change, net zero and now the EU plans for becoming carbon neutral by 2050 when you are vegan, wear recycled clothing and only do online shopping. Besides, isn’t the Covid-19 Pandemic more than enough to deal with? Questions, Questions, Questions and more!!! Who has the answers?

How can we change our mind-set in a productive way?
Well, we may not have ALL the answers but we want to think and talk about the energy landscape, Together because the Future is HERE. We invite you to be part of the discussion as we explore the future of energy with technological experts who are working to make Energy that is considered Green and Renewable more Accessible. Come along and give your voice, for it matters if we are to build and sustain a future that is better, healthier and more prosperous, for everyone. This event is for everyone, including students and young professionals, interested in boosting their understanding of the ongoing energy transition to become aware of what is unfolding in the energy landscape and take action where possible to make the difference. Our hope is that this symposium changes minds, not just because of willpower, but because of insightful knowledge and acquired understanding for collective impact.

12:00 - 13:00: Networking & Lunch Buffet

13:00 - 13:10: Introduction by Moderator, Christy Aikhorin
Building Sustainable Impact through Independent thinking & Dialogue

13:10 - 14:00: Global Energy Overview and Solar Energy by Dr. Chippla Vandu

14:00 - 14:30: Role of Green Hydrogen in the Energy Transition by Nasreen Perween

14:30 - 15:00: Having an Impact – The Climate Change Edition by Elizabeth Geddes

15:00 - 15:45: Our footprint: The current situation and a way out by Ir. Siebe Boersma

15:45 - 16:00: Wrap up & Close


(06) 30 175 281

organisatieOpus Dei
locatieConferentieoord Zonnewende, Tilburgseweg 54
plaatsMoergestel (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
Google map

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