Ethics for Medics organiseert op zaterdag 7 maart 2020 een symposium in Amsterdam.
In the Western healthcare, a shift has taken place from a paternalistic approach in which the doctor decides what is in the patient’s best interest, to patient-centred care in which healthcare choices are made in partnership. Shared decision making is considered a way of promoting patient autonomy.
While shared decision making is achievable for most patients, it becomes complex or impossible in case of patients who are incompetent or cannot express their will. This poses ethical dilemmas to their families and to the professionals involved.
Caregivers are faced with the difficult task to ensure that medical decisions correspond with the specific preferences and (ethical) values of the patient. This task can be ethically challenging. Physicians and other health care professionals may often deal with uncertainty since they lack knowledge about patient’s preferences or values.
In this symposium we will explore the ethical issues related to responsible clinical decision making in voiceless patients from a philosophical, juridical and practical perspective.
Programma 11.00 uur - Registratie 11.30 uur - Dr. Elisa García: Introductie 12.00 uur - Dr. Karel Beenakker: ‘Wanneer onvrijwillige zorg in de GGZ?’ 13.00 uur - Lunch 14.00 uur - Prof. Martin Buijsen: ‘Het recht op overleg’ 15.00 uur - Deelnemer bijdrage: Ella van den Hout: ‘Casus: Kiezen of laten kiezen?’ 15.20 uur - Dr. Cristina Monforte: ‘Een stille wens naar de dood’ 16.20 uur - Afsluiting met borrel 17.00 uur - Sociaal programma