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Opus Dei

Opus Dei

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Personele prelatuur van de katholieke Kerk die gewone leken helpt de heiligheid na te streven in hun dagelijkse bezigheden, in het bijzonder door hun werk, gesticht in 1928 door Jozefmaria Escrivá

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van deze organisatie

wanneerzaterdag 22 februari 2020    Evangelie van 2020-02-22
begintijd10:00 uur
eindtijd16:30 uur
 titelSeminar over Personal Leadership

Personal Leadership to make the world a better place!

This Symposium on Personal Leadership invites students and young professionals to discover how to practice and use their profoundly human qualities to effectively contribute to humanize and improve our currently often tensed world in all of its dimensions.Improve the world, start with yourself!

Leading speakers

  • Brandusa Predescu, Ambassador of Romania. The Ambassador will convey the kind of personal leadership that is needed as an Ambassador and tell about her experience of Presiding the European Union Member States Meetings last year.
  • Wendy Kwaks, Programme Manager Transition armed forces of Ministry of Defence. She started her career as European Studies student of The Hague University of Applied Sciences.Wendy will inspire you to discover and use the great potential that’s hidden in you to excell also professionally in a very concrete way.
  • Janneke Kuijken: Programme Manager of the European Studies Programme at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. She was involved with the Master Programme in Personal Leadership at Leiden University. Janneke will help you experience the importance of intrinsic motivation for personal development and share her belief that Personal Leadership is key to any organisation in order to flourish and therefore also to any society however small or big this might be.
  • Glenn Vergoossen, trainer and facilitator at FranklinCovey Benelux. FranklinCovey is the world leader in helping organizations achieve results that require lasting changes in human behavior. One of the most compelling books ever written by Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, have empowered and inspired readers for over 25 years and played a part in the transformation of millions of lives, across all age groups and professions. Glenn will introduce you to the 7 Habits and take you on a journey in an intensive, practical workshop that fits the principles of effectiveness to your situation in both work and private life!

10.30 uur - Registration & introduction
11.00 uur - Brandusa Predescu: Qualities in a leading position
11.30 uur - Q & A
11.40 uur - Janneke Kuijken: Intrinsic Motivation
12.05 uur - Q & A
12.15 uur - Wendy Kwaks: Use your potential
12.40 uur - Q & A
12.50 uur - Moderator Margriet Krijtenburg
13.00 uur - Lunch
14.00 uur - Workshop Glenn Vergoossen: Be Happy and Be(come) your best version!
16.00 uur - Tea
16.30 uur - End

SOKA, Concertgebouwplein 17, 1071 LM Amsterdam
Costs: € 35 (students 20,-) included ‘lunchbuffet’
Payment: Preferably by bank: NL86 INGB 0005 1575 14, Stichting SOKA, Amsterdam.


(06) 30 17 52 81

organisatieOpus Dei
locatieSoka, Concertgebouwplein 17
plaatsAmsterdam (Noord-Holland)
Google map

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