Vandaag is zaterdag 13 juli  

categorie categorie Cursus
wanneervrijdag 29 november t/m zondag 1 december 2019    Evangelie van 2019-11-29
begintijd18:00 uur
eindtijd17:00 uur
 titelMaranatha Study Weekend before the exams

At the beginning of the exam period, we organize a study weekend to help each other to prepare the exams: in a quiet place, with friends cooking for us, so that we just need to bring our sleeping bag, own study books and work. In the evening we’ll do something nice together to relax. Studying together, works.

We’ll leave on Friday 29 November at about 6:00pm by minibus from Maranatha and will be back in Tilburg on Sunday 1 December before the 5:00pm International Student Mass. You can also get to Vessem by your own transport.


  • BA/MA students: € 30 (including the journey, two overnight stays and 7 meals)
  • Ph.D. students: € 35
  • Others (< 40): € 45

If you don’t need transportation from Tilburg, you get a € 5 discount.

Register by filling in the form on this website:
Deadline: 25 November 2019

What to bring

  • Your own study books, laptop, pens, paper (all you need to study)
  • Sleeping bag, cushion
  • Hygienic stuff for 2 overnights, including towel(s)

How to get there?
When you register, stating that you need transport from Tilburg, between 25 and 29 November you will receive an e-mail, stating at what time (but in any case between 5 and 7 pm) you are expected at Maranatha student church. Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 19, Tilburg, for the trip to Vessem.
If you have your own transportation, make sure to be in Vessem, Wilhelminalaan 25, by 7 pm.


Tilburg University Chaplaincy

locatieWilhelminalaan 25
plaatsVessem (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
Google map

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