Vandaag is maandag 9 september  

categorie categorie Reis
wanneerzaterdag 2 november 2019    Evangelie van 2019-11-02
begintijd09:45 uur
eindtijd05:45 uur
 titelStudentenkerk Maranatha naar Tongerlo Abbey

The Premonstratensian Abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Tongerlo - 60 km South of Tilburg - was founded in 1130.

From small beginnings the abbey became influential in the district called Campine, now in north-east Belgium and the south of the Netherlands, then a wild area. The bishops of Cambrai, the chapters of Liège and Maastricht, and several landowners entrusted the charge of parishes, with the right of patronage, to the abbey. In time the abbey had to provide priests for some forty parishes in these parts, among which there was the parish of Tilburg.

With the erection of new dioceses (1559–60) in Belgium and the Netherlands, heavy burdens were cast on the abbey, for not only had it to provide funds for the new diocese of ’s-Hertogenbosch, but the new bishop was put at its head as abbot. This state of affairs lasted until 1590, when, to obtain its independence, the abbey had to give up much property in support of the new diocese. The abbey was a centre of education. It possessed one of the largest libraries, and was able to take up the work of the Bollandists.

In 1796 the monks needed to go in exile, but in 1840 they came back.

Tongerlo Abbey is since 1545 the home of the most faithful replica of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper.

During this excursion:

  • we’ll participate in the 11:30a.m. Mass of the monks (2 November is All Souls day)
  • we’ll have a picnic in the abbey
  • we’ll have a talk with Fr Ivo Cleiren, monk of the abbey
  • we’ll make a guided tour (in English) through the abbey’s buildings
  • we’ll visit the Da Vinci Museum.

We’ll go by touring car from Tilburg (Maranatha, Professor Cobbenhagenlaan 19) to Tongerlo. We’ll leave at 9:45 a.m. and hope to be back at about 5:45 p.m. (dinner is not included)


  • Teenagers (< 16 years old): € 15
  • Students (BA / MA): € 22,50
  • Ph.D. students: € 30
  • Others (< 40 years old): € 40


  • Bus trip from Tilburg to Tongerlo and back
  • Picnic in Tongerlo abbey
  • Guided visit to the Abbey
  • Guided visit to the Da Vinci Museum


locatieTongerlo Abbey, Abdijstraat 40
plaatsTongerlo (België)
Google map

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