Vandaag is zaterdag 29 juni
Heilige Petrus en Paulus

categorie categorie Retraite
wanneerzaterdag 13 t/m zondag 14 april 2019    Evangelie van 2019-04-13
begintijd10:00 uur
eindtijd18:00 uur
 titelRetreat for Young Professionals 20-40 yr

On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of April a silent retreat will be held at the guesthous (former monastery and also home of the Willibrord Seminary of the Dioceses of Haarlem-Amsterdam) of the Sanctuary of Our Lady for Distress in Heiloo.

The suffering of the Lord and our suffering


Saturday 13 april 2019

09.30 h - Arrival and introduction
10.30 h - Meditation about Holy Thursday
11.30 h - Rosary in the Chapel of Grace on the shrine (in Dutch) or in the chapel of the Guest House (in English)
12.00 h - H. Eucharist in the Chapel of Grace on the shrine (in Dutch)
13.00 h - Lunch in the Guest House (warm meal)
15.00 h - Meditation on Holy Friday
16.30 h - Silent adoration in the chapel in the Guest House
17.30 h - Evening prayer in the same chapel (in Dutch?)
18.00 h - Dinner (bread)
20.00 h - Film

Sunday 14 April (Sunday of the Palms)

07.30 h - Morning prayer in the chapel of the Guest House (in Dutch?)
08.00 h - Breakfast
09.00 h - H. Eucharist in the Chapel of Grace on the shrine (in Dutch)
10.30 h - Meditation about Holy Saturday
11.30 h - Rosary in the chapel of the Guest House (in English)
13.00 h - Lunch in the Guest House (warm meal)
15.00 h - Meditation on Easter Night
16.30 h - Adoration in the chapel in the Guest House
17.30 h - Sharing experiences and say Good Bye


  • Times in between: coffee and tea, meditation, personal talk, and so
  • Retreat leader is Fr. Gerard Wijers s.s.s.
  • The retreat will be in silence
  • Costs are € 75 p.p.
  • Free parking available close to the Guest House or at the parking place at Kapellaan 144


locatieDiocesaan Heiligdom Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Nood, Hoogeweg 65
plaatsHeiloo (Noord-Holland)
Google map

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