Vandaag is woensdag 16 oktober  

categorie categorie Ontmoeting
wanneerzondag 11 t/m vrijdag 16 augustus 2019    Evangelie van 2019-08-11
 titelEuropascouts - Summer camp - Water

Europascouts will be organising monthly red branch activities in Tilburg every first weekend. The main language for the activities will be english, to emphasise the scout’s principle “… a boy scout favours a united and fraternal Europe.”

We have scheduled weekends where you participate the weekend theme. You can join the red branch scouts nautiques programme aimed at leadership by and for nautical activities.


  • Weekend 3 & 4 November 2018
    Theme: Nature
  • Sunday 2 december 2018, 10.00 - 17.00
    Nautical theory and materials
  • Weekend 5 & 6 January 2019
    Theme: Animation
  • Sunday 3 february 2019, 10.00 - 17.00
    Canoeing theory and techniques
  • Weekend 2 & 3 March 2019
    Theme: Service
  • Weekend 6 & 7 april 2019
    National camp / Practice showcase
  • Weekend 4 & 5 May 2019
    Theme: Path
  • Weekend 1 & 2 june 2019, 14.00 - 17.00
    Canoeing practice
  • 11 till 16 August 2019
    Summer camp, theme: water

Joining the activities
Red branch scouts of Europascouts Nederland can join both the theme weekends and the scouts nautiques programme. UIGSE-FSE red branch members from other countries may also participate the activities.

If you are not yet a red branch scout you can participate the activities by becoming an “aspirant” red branch member, paying the regular yearly membership of € 120. Students pay a reduced yearly membership of € 90

If you want to join activities register no later than two weeks in advance. Early registration is recommended as places are limited.

Costs and materials
For theme weekends costs will be for travel and food. For the the scouts nautiques programme costs will be for travel, food, buoyancy vest and camps. Also we expect you to have basics like sleeping bag, sleeping-mat, rucksack, mess tin and utensils.

Depending on the branch you want to be part of red branch scouts are expected to buy and wear the khaki scouts uniform or navy scouts nautiques uniform.

To participate activities or to become an “aspirant” red branch member contact Gerald de Groot.


Gerald de Groot

locatieParochie De Goede Herder, Bisschop Zwijsenstraat 3
plaatsTilburg (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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