Vandaag is zaterdag 29 juni
Heilige Petrus en Paulus

categorie categorie Bezinning
Congregatie van Sint Jan
(Sint Jan)

Congregatie van Sint Jan

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Met o.a. de Broeders van Sint Jan, de Zusters van Sint Jan en het jongerenprogramma Licht Vuur & Waarheid

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van deze organisatie

wanneerzaterdag 27 t/m zondag 28 januari 2018    Evangelie van 2018-01-27
begintijd08:00 uur
eindtijd14:00 uur
 titelCome and see - Vocations weekend

Two days to experience consecrated life first hand, with the brothers and sisters of Saint John. It’s a great chance to explore this way of life through experiencing it, learning about it and above all through spending time with the One who calls, Jesus Himself.

Sister Augustin Marie from the Sisters of Saint John will be leading the 2 days, alongside the brothers of Saint John in Utrecht. There will be time for prayer, teaching, questions in group or in one-on-one guidance. This event concerns consecrated life as a whole, not specifically at the Family of Saint John.
When His first disciples were drawn to His presence Jesus didn’t ask them to choose or promise anything at first, He simple invited them to ‘come and see’ what life with Him was like.

Everyone is welcome... you don’t have to be convinced or even vaguely sure that you are called to consecrated life or priesthood. You may simple be curious to find out more or understand better, or as a new/renewed in your faith, to explore this dimension of the Church.

(all teachings will be in English, translations available)


organisatieCongregatie van Sint Jan
plaatsUtrecht (Utrecht)
Google map

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