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Opus Dei

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Personele prelatuur van de katholieke Kerk die gewone leken helpt de heiligheid na te streven in hun dagelijkse bezigheden, in het bijzonder door hun werk, gesticht in 1928 door Jozefmaria Escrivá

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wanneerzaterdag 27 januari 2018    Evangelie van 2018-01-27
begintijd10:30 uur
eindtijd16:00 uur
 titelSeminar about Europe, Justice & Peace

Europe, Justice & Peace
70 years Congress of The Hague

Justice & Peace as leitmotiv through European history since 1948. What can we do to promote justice and peace in this currently polarized world?  From 7-10 May 1948 nearly 800 participants, varying from politicians, representatives from trade unions, trade and industry to philosophers, theologians, journalists and academics from all over (mainly) Western Europe came together in The Hague for the International Congress of The Hague.

The Congress led to several outcomes among which a Political Report that is often said to be the forerunner of the European unification project. Peace and justice play the leading role. The Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights are two of its direct institutional outcomes.  (Re)Modelling the New Europe with surprising accurate insights of past and present will soothen polarization and foster justice and peace for now and for the future. The importance of personal virtuous leadership in connection with the common good also beyond borders seems to be ever more the way to go and the way of hope for Europe and its role in the world.   


  • Frans Alting von Geusau, professor emeritus of European and international law, and Western Cooperation, universities of Leiden and Tilburg. None of the deep wounds of the Second World War had been healed and a new East-West war was thought to be imminent, when the Congress of the Hague assembled in May 1948. The spirit of 1948 changed the history of Europe with its call for unity and a Charter of Human Rights. What can we learn from it at a time nationalist populists insist on forgetting the past? 
  • Francisco Jiménez Villarejo, Mr., National Member for Spain and former Vice-President of Eurojust: will explain what Eurojust does to foster justice and peace in Europe & how to soothen the polarized interests and attitudes. The need of ethical behaviour. 
  • Jolanda van Vliet, lecturer The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) & Dual PhD Candidate Leiden University: will focus on Environmental migrants, the complex and often conflictive combination of human rights and migration rights and the need not to lose sight of the humane factor. 
  • Judith Karels, (MSc) project Manager Good Hotel Group & Shana Atangana Bekono, Law & Security Programme (THUAS): will give an interpretation on Europe as a global player. 
  • Margriet Krijtenburg, PhD, researcher & lecturer at European Studies Programme (THUAS): will link the core principles of European integration with Personal Leadership.

Programme Saturday, January 27
10.30 uur - Doors open, Registration & coffee
11.00 uur - Welcome: Mr. René Guldenmund
11.10 uur - Prof. dr. F.A.M. Alting von Geusau
11.40 uur - Question time
12.00 uur - Mr. Jiménez Villarejo
12.30 uur - Question time followed by lunchbuffet
14.00 uur - Judith Karels & Shana Atangana Bekono
14.15 uur - Questions from the public
14.30 uur - Jolanda van Vliet
14.45 uur - Question time
15.00 uur - Margriet Krijtenburg
15.15 uur - Question time
15.30 uur - Musical intermezzo
15.40 uur - Debate with public
16.00 uur - End

Moderator: Mr. René Guldenmund, an international lawyer, specialised in the implementation and enforcement of EU-law. He was a researcher at the Faculty of Law at Utrecht University and worked for many years as a senior legislative lawyer at the ministries of agriculture and economic affairs in The Netherlands. Currently he is a member of the delegation of the Holy See in several international organisations and works on a thesis about the freedom of religion (“God in Public Space”).

Conferentieoord Zonnewende; Tilburgseweg 54,
5066 BV Moergestel;

Secretariat SOKA, Concertgebouwplein 17, 1071 LM Amsterdam
Tel. 0630175281
E-mail: or via the website:

Costs: € 35 (studenten 20,-) included ‘lunchbuffet

Preferably by bank IBAN NL86INGB0005157514, Stichting SOKA, Amsterdam. Payment can also be done at location.


organisatieOpus Dei
locatieConferentieoord Zonnewende, Tilburgseweg 54
plaatsMoergestel (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
doelgroepGezin Gezin
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