Vandaag is maandag 17 februari  

categorie categorie Reis
wanneerdinsdag 26 t/m zondag 31 december 2017    Evangelie van 2017-12-26
(2e Kerstdag / Heilige Stefanus)
begintijd12:00 uur
eindtijd12:00 uur
 titelTilburg University Chaplaincy to Rome

A unique possibility, which every Tilburg student who is involved in Maranatha should grasp once in his or her study time: visit Rome with Fr Michael Peeters (who has lived there for 6 years) during Christmas holiday!


  • Every participant should organize his/her own transport to and from Rome (to Rome on Tuesday 26 December; from Rome on Sunday 31 December). We’ll meet in Rome on 26 December for dinner.
  • The whole Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday we’ll spend in Rome:
  • we’ll participate in the General Audience of Pope Francis on Wednesday 27 December
  • we’ll visit the Catacombs
  • we’ll visit the Vatican Museums and the Sixtine Chapel
  • we’ll visit the basilicas of St.Paul, St.John in Lateran, St.Mary Major
  • we’ll have Mass every day in a splendid Roman church, linked to the presence in Rome of the Apostles
  • and much more.

If you participate, you should participate in the whole trip,
from the beginning to the end, including the whole program.
Maximum age for participants: 35 years.


  • - for BA/MA students in Tilburg or elsewhere in the Netherlands: 450 euro
  • - for Ph.D. students in Tilburg or elsewhere in the Netherlands: 550 euro
  • - for others: 650 euro

The price includes:

  • accommodation with breakfast in Rome (in a twin or multiple person room);
  • all (public) transport in Rome;
  • all guiding;
  • all entrances;
  • all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) from dinner on Tuesday until breakfast on Sunday!

The price doesn’t include:

  • Flight or other transport to and from Rome!
  • Travel and annulment insurance

Registration until september 30th.


plaatsRome (Italië)
Google map

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