Vandaag is woensdag 31 juli  

categorie categorie Bedevaart
wanneervrijdag 18 t/m zondag 27 augustus 2017    Evangelie van 2017-08-18
begintijd14:00 uur
 titelInternationale pelgrimstocht voor jongeren

‘Dragers van hoop voor iedereen in de marge.’ Jongerenpelgrimage over het Duitse deel van de route naar Santiago de Compostella, van Keulen naar Trier. Voor jongeren van 18-35 jaar.

  • Would you like to be an instrument of PEACE and HOPE for those around you and beyond?
  • Would you like to rest a bit from your ordinary life?
  • Are you happy and satisfied or do you feel the contrary – unhappy and discouraged?
  • Are you courageous or do you run away from difficulties?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • Are you open to others or closed in on yourself?
  • Do you believe in God?
  • Would you like to do something meaningful with your life?
  • Are Missionary activities and sharing with others very important for you?
  • Do you desire to be with people from different countries and cultures?

Do not be afraid! Come as you are. Let us walk side by side and discover something together!

Practical information
This is a youth pilgrimage for girls and boys aged between 18 to 35 years who speak and understand Basic English and who are able to walk at least 15 km a day.

Pilgrimage duration: 18th to 27th August 2017

18th August we will all meet in Thielenbrucher - Cologne around 2.00pm. In our program, among other things, there will be a good time for getting to know one another and visiting of Cologne (in the morning 19/08/2017)   
Our way: We will walk from 20th the 26th August, around 20 km each day, starting from Blankenheim, through Kronenburg, Prüm, Waxweller, Mettendorf, Welschbilling to Trier.

Price: € 250 (which includes food, accommodation, materials and insurance).
€ 100 should be paid in advance when you enrol for the pilgrimage.  
Enrolment deadline: 25th June 2017


+48 739 511 591

locatieVan Keulen naar Trier
plaatsKeulen (Duitsland)
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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