Vandaag is zaterdag 29 juni
Heilige Petrus en Paulus

categorie categorie Bedevaart
wanneerdonderdag 3 t/m zondag 13 augustus 2017    Evangelie van 2017-08-03
 titelVoetbedevaart - Krakau - Częstochowa

Het Studentenpastoraat van de Universiteit Tilburg organiseert van 3 t/m 13 augustus een reis naar Krakau om mee te lopen met de internationale voetbedevaart van Communion and Liberation.


A pilgrimage on foot from Cracow to Czestochowa, together with thousands of young people, proposed by Communion and Liberation.

Especially for students who are close to finishing their studies or have just finished them, as a privileged occasion and act of personal offering in an important passage of life.

General program
3 t/m 5 aug - Journey to Poland and preparation days
6 aug - CRACOVIA - SMARDZOWICE (24 km)
7 aug - SMARDZOWICE - ZADROŻE (20 km)
8 aug - ZADROŻE - STRZEGOWA (22 km)
9 aug - STRZEGOWA - WŁODOWICE (25 km)
10 aug - WŁODOWICE - PRZYBYNÓW (29 km)
11 aug - PRZYBYNÓW - JASNA GÓRA (32 km)
13 aug - Journey back to the Netherlands

Every day we’ll celebrate Holy Mass, and discuss life as vocation. In the evening, there is a moment of feast.

Our luggage will be carried by cars.

You’ll need to bring a sleeping bag, matrass, food for the road and/or money to buy some, camping equipment to prepare food.
You need to bring your passport and - if necessary - a visa for Poland.
We will organize ourselves to have enough tents for our group.

The price for participation is € 200 (included: two overnight stays in Cracovia and two in Czestochowa, registration for the pilgrimage, bread and water for during the walk, pilgrimage book)

A trip from Tilburg will be organized, which costs € 95 (there and back).

How to register
For now, send an e-mail to
After 15 May, you’ll be noticed how to complete your registration.
Registration closes on 1 June.


locatieVan Krakau naar Częstochowa (plus reis van Tilburg naar Krakau)
plaatsKrakau (Polen)
Google map

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