Vandaag is maandag 17 februari  

categorie categorie Conferentie
wanneerzondag 4 t/m dinsdag 6 maart 2018    Evangelie van 2018-03-04
 titelConferentie 50 jaar Humanae Vitae

On April 4, 5, 6 of 2018 the Catholic University of America’s School of Theology & Religious Studies will host a major academic conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s landmark encyclical: “Healing the Wounds in Human Sexuality and Marriage by Embracing God’s Vision for Love and Marriage: A Fiftieth Year Anniversary Symposium on Humanae Vitae (1968-2018).”

The symposium will feature presentations by experts from the sciences, social sciences, history, philosophy, and theology.

The event will be cosponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family and Youth, Marquette University’s College of Nursing, the Dominican House of Studies, and the John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family.


locatieCatholic University of America
plaatsWashington (Verenigde Staten)
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