Vandaag is zondag 30 juni  

categorie categorie Conferentie
wanneerdinsdag 22 maart 2016    Evangelie van 2016-03-22
begintijd10:30 uur
eindtijd16:30 uur
 titelAnnual Lecture Christianity and Society

Het Centrum voor de Sociale Leer van de Kerk organiseert in samenwerking met de Tilburgse Universiteit, School of Catholic Theology, op 22 maart in Tilburg, de Annual Lecture Christianity and Society: “Does society need scruples”? Prof. dr. Tomáš Halík, priester, is de centrale spreker die dag.

In our secular Western society, we enjoy freedom and welfare at a level unrivalled in history. High efficiency levels generated high income per capita but, at the same time, at tremendous cost of humanity: eventually our sense of moral and human dignity is at stake.

Liberal welfare states have become a framework of paradoxes: extremely high personal incomes for a few, poverty and marginalization for many; permanent jobs for a few, flexible labour for many. We have been poor stewards, leaving future generations an earth that is too warm and depleted of resources. Are we willing to share some of our wealth with refugees who have lost everything?

Churches have witnessed diminished attendance, while at the same time spiritual centres flourish and monasteries receive more guests than ever.

A pastoral message of hope is badly needed: a theological language to enable a dialogue with both secular atheists and Islam. The social teaching of the Church may guide us towards a society based on equality and solidarity.

10.15 uur - Coffee and Tea
10.30 uur - Welcome and introduction, prof. dr. Roel van der Voort, chairman of the Centre of Social Teaching of the Church, Amsterdam Business School
10.45 uur - Prof. dr. Ronald Jeurissen, professor of Business Ethics at Nyenrode University
11.05 uur - Eefje de Gelder, MSc MA PhD student, Institute for Management Research, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
11.25 uur - Dr. Kees de Groot, assistant professor, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, Department of Practical Theology and Religious Studies
11.45 uur - Prof. dr. Tomáš Halík
12.15 uur - Discussion
13.00 uur - Lunch
14.15 uur - Coffee and tea
14.30 uur - Welcome prof. dr. Marcel Sarot, Dean Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
14.40 uur - Retrospect prof. dr. Roel van der Voort
14.50 uur - Annual Lecture ‘Reading the Signs of the Times’. Christianity between Secularity and Post-secularity, prof. dr. Tomáš Halík
15.35 uur - Statement dr. Roshnee Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, postdoctoral researcher, Economy, Love and Human Perfection, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology/Goldschmeding foundation
15.50 uur - Statement prof. dr. Peter Jonkers, professor Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, Department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy
16.05 uur - Discussion chaired by prof. dr. Marcel Poorthuis, professor Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, Department of Biblical Studies and Church History
16.30 uur - End


locatieTilburg University, Dante-building room DZ – 01, Warandelaan 2
plaatsTilburg (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
Google map

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