Vandaag is zaterdag 29 juni
Heilige Petrus en Paulus

categorie categorie Conferentie
wanneermaandag 20 oktober 2014    Evangelie van 2014-10-20
 titelConsistory on the Middle East

A consistory dedicated to the Middle East, to take place the day after the close of the Synod. It will be held on 20 October and work on the basis of considerations which emerged from the meeting with apostolic nuncios of the region. This was announced on Tuesday morning, 7 October, by the initiative of Pope Francis at the start of third congregation in the hew hall of the Synod of Bishops. The Pope invited all the cardinals who will be in Rome together with six patriarchs of the Middle East and the patriarch of Jerusalem for Latins, and will revolve around a speech by the Cardinal Secretary of State, Parolin.


plaatsRome (Italië)
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