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categorie categorie Conferentie
Congregatie van Sint Jan
(Sint Jan)

Congregatie van Sint Jan

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Met o.a. de Broeders van Sint Jan, de Zusters van Sint Jan en het jongerenprogramma Licht Vuur & Waarheid

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van deze organisatie

wanneerwoensdag 13 t/m maandag 18 maart 2013    Evangelie van 2013-03-13
begintijd18:00 uur
 titelEuropean conference: Roots of Unity

Van 14 t/m 17 maart 2013 wordt een Europesche conferentie gehouden met als titel: Roots of Unity in Wenen en Bratislava.

Rather unexpected the European Union wins the 2012 Nobelprice for Peace. At the same time, the economic situation of many EU-countries is a serious threat to the unity of Europe. Thus, we invite students and young professionals to gather in March 2013 in the centre of Europe, halfway Vienna and Bratislava. We will deepen our understanding of the fundaments of European unifying. We will focus on the Christian roots of our society and discover how a new understanding of the law of nature can give us a ‘listening heart’ for how we could see Europe of tomorrow. Come and join the Brothers of Saint John in an atmosphere of encounter and prayer, to search together for wisdom and truth.


More than a fifty young people will come together with the Brothers of Saint John to discover:

Fundament of unity
Natural law: understanding the unity of mankind

The making of unity
The role of the United Nations and the Habsburg Empire

Christian roots
Discovering key contributions to our society

Unity issues for tomorrow
Searching for answers...

Come and visit Vienna and Bratislava with us, reflect with experts, experience Europe with more than fifty students and young professionals coming from all over Europe, in a setting ideal for seeking the truth, meeting others and for prayer...

Conditions for application
Age: between 20 and 30

Speaking English is required for attending this conference.

- € 100 for participants coming from Roumania and Lithuania
- € 150 for participants coming from other countries.

This includes full accommodation, international travel expenses (flights)
and other expenses for four days and five nights.

14th - 17th March 2013 (travelling on the 13th and the 18th)


organisatieCongregatie van Sint Jan
locatieVienna and Bratislava
Google map

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