Vandaag is maandag 15 juli  

categorie categorie Conferentie
wanneermaandag 10 t/m dinsdag 11 mei 2010    Evangelie van 2010-05-10
begintijd08:30 uur
eindtijd19:30 uur
 titelInternationale conferentie Giving Oneself...

De Faculteit Godgeleerdheid van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven organiseert een internationale conferentie rond het thema Giving oneself: Self-Gift and Self-Sacrifice in the Life of the Church and of Damien De Veuster.
Het congres vindt plaats in Leuven op 10 en 11 mei 2010.

Alle activiteiten gaan door in de Conferentiezaal van het Pauscollege, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven.
De avondlezing op Maandag 10 mei vindt plaats in de Kleine Aula, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven.

Registratie voor alle vier delen van het congres is mogelijk op
Registratie voor het congres is gratis. Gelieve te registreren voor 5 mei 2010.

Voor meer informatie, neem contact op met:
Dr. Dominika Kurek
Faculteit Godgeleerdheid
Sint-Michielsstraat 4, PB 3101
3000 Leuven


Sunday, May 9: Start of the conference

18:30: Movie Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (director: Paul Cox) with an introduction by Paul W. Macken, SS.CC.

Monday, May 10

Morning session: Programme in Dutch
Ochtendsessie: Nederlandstalig programma

8:30 Inschrijvingen en koffie
9:00 Opening: Lieven BOEVE, Decaan van de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid, K.U. Leuven
9:10 Yves DE MAESENEER, Leuven, Systematisch-theologische reflecties en spiritualiteit van de zelfgave
9:45 Michel COPPIN, SDS, Scherpenheuvel, De missionaris Damiaan
10:20 Juan Carlos TINJACA, SS.CC., Leuven, Damiaan en de Picpussen
10:55 Pauze
11:20 Hans GEYBELS, Leuven, Damiaan in de volksdevotie
11:55 Paul AERTS, SS.CC., Leuven, Hoe Damiaan vandaag herkennen?
12:30 Bart VERBESSELT, Leuven, Damiaan en geloofscommunicatie

International Programme
Afternoon Session

14:00 Registration and Coffee
14:30 Opening: Lieven BOEVE, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, K.U.Leuven
14:45 Jan BREMMER, Groningen, Self-Sacrifice in Greece, Rome and Ancient Israel
15:30 Martin VAHRENHORST, Jerusalem, Biblical Basis for the Understanding of Human
Existence as Sacrifice (cf. esp. the Pauline sacrificial metaphors: Phil 2:17; Rom 12:1; Eph 5:2)
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Johan LEEMANS, Leuven, Martyrdom in Early Christianity
17:20 Saskia WENDEL, Cologne, Renewed Understanding of Self-Sacrifice as an Element of Christian Vocation in Contemporary Contexts
19:30 Public Lecture by Fernando F. SEGOVIA, Vanderbilt University Nashville TN, Biblical Interpretation since the 1970s through Today and Beyond: Diversifying Approaches,
Critics, and Traditions (organized by the Committee on “Diversity and Equal Opportunities” and the Research Unit of Biblical Studies, Faculty of Theology)
(MTC Aula Minor)

Tuesday, May 11

International Programme
Morning Session

9:00 Rekha M. CHENNATU, RA, Pune, Abiding, Loving and Laying Down One’s Life:
Exploring the Discipleship Motif in John’s
9:40 Joris GELDHOF, Leuven Sacrifice, Communion, Charity. A Reflection on the Paradoxical Nature of the Eucharist
10:20 Yves DE MAESENEER, Leuven, Giving Oneself: A New Paradigm in Theological Anthropology?
11:00 Coffee Break

Parallel sessions (call for papers)

Session 1

11:30 Jan DE VOLDER, The Self-Gift of Damien De Veuster as a Path to Holiness
11:55 Marianne SERVAAS, Leuven, “For Me to Live is Christ”: Sainthood and True Personality through the Eyes of Dietrich von Hildebrand and in the Life of Saint Damien
12:20 Mary-Chizurum UGBOR, DMMM, Leuven, St. Damien’s Expression of the Christian Call to Self-Sacrifice: A Critical Appraisal from a Hermeneutical-Communicative Approach

Session 2

11:30 Ma. Maricel IBITA, Leuven, “With what shall I come before the Lord?” In Search of an Alternative Vision of Self-Sacrifice in the Ryb of the so-called Pre-Exilic Prophets (Isa 1:1-20; Hos 2:4-17; 4:1-3; Mic 6:1-8)
11:55 Izunna OKONKWO, Leuven, The Eucharist: An Invitation to Self-Gift and Self-Sacrifice
12:20 Jana BINON, Leuven, Self Gift and Power: Is Unassuming Power Possible?

International Programme
Afternoon Session

14:00 Paul W. MACKEN, SS.CC., Zelem-Halen, The Life and Death of Fr. Damien as a Spiritual Journey of Self-Gift
14:45 Johan VERSTRAETEN, Leuven, Damien’s Heroic Leadership at Molokai: More than a Matter of Self-Sacrifice
15:30 Annemie DILLEN, Leuven, Is Damien’s Self-Sacrifice a Model to Be Encouraged in the Pastoral Context?
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Panel discussion between all the presenters
17:15 Concluding remarks
18:30 Eucharist at the crypt of St. Damien, Church of St. Anthony, Leuven
presider: Archbishop André-Joseph LEONARD


locatieConferentiezaal van het Pauscollege, Sint-Michielsstraat 6
plaatsLeuven (België)
Google map

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