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wanneermaandag 26 t/m woensdag 28 april 2010    Evangelie van 2010-04-26
 titelSeminar Identity & Dialogue

Van 26 t/m 28 april houdt de Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, de Pauselijke Universiteit van het Heilig Kruis, een seminar over Identiteit en Dialoog.

MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010
8:45 Registration. Welcome
9:20 Welcome of the Rector
9:30 The Voice of The Church in Public Debate: A Strategic Proposal
José María La Porte, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
10:15 Practical Session I: Brand Therapy for Communicators
Michele Levy, Founder of Brand Strategy Consulting (New York)
11:00 Break
11:30 Case Studies I: Communicating Ideas and Values
Moderator: Bruno Mastroianni, Pont. Univ. of the Holy Cross

The Campaign “Catholics Come Home” in the United States
Tom Peterson, President of Catholics Come Home (Phoenix)

Identity, Perception, Image: My Experience with Italian Companies
Marco Pogliani, Director of Moccagatta, Pogliani & As. (Milan)
12:30 Discussion
15:00 Papers I
Group A: Papers submitted by participants on the themes suggested*
Group B: Papers submitted by participants on Church Communications in Non-Christian Cultures
Moderator: Kuriakose Mundadan, Chief Editor of Sathyadeepam (India)
17:00 Identity and the Inter-religious Dialogue of Benedict XVI: Reflections for Church Communications
Joan Andreu Rocha Scarpetta, University Abat Oliba (Barcelona)
17:45 Panel I: Understanding and Explaining the Church: experiences of Journalists Covering the Vatican
Moderator: Daniel Arasa, Pont. Univ. of the Holy Cross

Jörg Bremer, Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (Germany)
Rachel Donadio, The New York Times (United States)
Maarten Van Aalderen, De Telegraaf (Holland)
Gian Guido Vecchi, Corriere della Sera (Italy)
9:15 Communicating Christian Identity in a Postmodern Society
Jutta Burggraf, Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra (Spain)
10:00 Practical Session II: New Media and Christian Identity
Lorenzo Cantoni, University of Lugano (Switzerland)
11:00 Break
11:30 Case studies II: Intervening in Public Debates about Bioethics
Moderator: Diego Contreras, Pont. Univ. of the Holy Cross

The Experience of the Tournée Bioéthique in France
Tugdual Derville, Alliance pour les Droits de la Vie (Paris)

Framing the Public Discourse about Life and Death in Italy
Rafael Jiménez Cataño, Pont. Univ. of the Holy Cross
12:30 Discussion
15:00 Papers II
Group A: Papers submitted by participants on the themes suggested*
Group B: Papers submitted by participants on Communications Experience of the World Youth Days
Coordinator: Yago de la Cierva, Director of Communication for the 2011 World Youth Day (Madrid)
17:00 Practical Session III: The Church on The Small Screens: Television, internet and Mobile Devices
Juan Vicente Boo, ROME REPORTS TV News Agency (Italy)
17:45 Panel II

Understanding and Explaining the Church. Experiences of Official Spokespersons
Moderator: Msgr. Paul Tighe, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (Vatican)

Jozef Kovácik, Spokesperson for the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Slovakia
Helen Osman, Spokesperson for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Domenico Pompili, Spokesperson for the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Italy
9:30 Participation at the General Audience with Pope Benedict XVI
12:30 Visit to the Press Office of the Holy See
Meeting with Father Federico Lombardi, Director
16:00 The Effect of the Pope’s Trips on Public Opinion. An Empirical Approach
Norberto González Gaitano, Pont. Univ. of the Holy Cross
16:45 Practical Session IV: The Year of the Priest and the Video “The Catholic Priest Today"
Joan Beth Beugen and Naomi Yamada, The Cresta Group (Chicago)
17:30 The Identity of the Priest in the Media
S.E. Mons. Giovanni D’Ercole, Auxiliary Bischop of L'Aquila (Italy)
18:00 Closing Speech
Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (Vatican)

* Suggested themes for the Papers:

  • Valuable Experiences for Church Communications Offices
  • Identity and Dialogue in Debates about Bioethics
  • Church Communication and Youth
  • Other Issues on Church Communications

Deadline voor aanmelding 15 april 2010


locatiePontificia Università della Santa Croce, Palazzo dell’Apollinare, Piazza Sant’Apollinare 49
plaatsRome (Italië)
Google map

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