wanneervrijdag 1 november 2024
beginttijd19:00 uur
 titelAll Saints’ Day - Saintly duos

In celebration of All Saints’ Day, we’ve organized a special activity after Holy Mass on November 1st. Here’s what you need to know:

Activity Overview
Each man will ask a woman to partner up, and together, you’ll represent a lesser-known saint for the group. It’s a fun way to learn more about our faith and work as a team!

Choosing a Saint
You and your partner will select a saint to present. We encourage you to pick a less famous saint to keep things interesting!

Creative Presentation
Be as creative as you like—whether it’s a skit, poster, or any other fun idea to showcase your saint.

Each pair should bring a dish that represents the country or culture of your saint. This will add a festive touch to our celebration!

Pairing Up
Men, you need to message the women and ask them to partner up. The deadline for forming pairs is Wednesday. After that, the admins will help pair up those who haven’t found a partner.


locatieOnze Lieve Vrouwekerk, Keizersgracht 218
plaatsAmsterdam (Noord-Holland)
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren

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