wanneerzaterdag 19 oktober
beginttijd18:00 uur
 titelPotluck - How social is social media?

Amsterdam Student Chaplaincy invited Paul Graas for a gathering about social media and its blessings but also challenges.

18.00 uur - Holy Mass in English
19.00 uur - Potluck dinner (please bring a dish to share!)
20.00 uur - Lecture by Paul Graas

Paul Graas
Paul Graas is an expert in character building and digital lifestyles. He gives workshops in the Netherlands and abroad on digital world, personal development and spiritual life. He has written several books on Catholic spirituality for young people, he is a columnist for Katholiek Nieuwsblad and he makes the Good, Better, Best podcast via Move.


locatieOntmoetingscentrum O.L. Vrouwekerk, Keizersgracht 218
plaatsAmsterdam (Noord-Holland)
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren

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