wanneerzaterdag 28 december t/m woensdag 1 januari 2025
 titel47th European TaizĂ© Meeting

Youth Meeting

Taizé as an ecumenical brotherhood in France hosts a Youth Meeting in one European city during New Years, so that people can pray together for peace in the world, promote solidarity, and build bridges of trust between different denominations, and between the church and the local community.

Tallinn will be the northern-most city to host this meeting and therefore it is the best proximity for participants from the Baltic and Scandinavian/Nordic countries. We expect ca 60 brothers from Taize and approximately 4000 participants from Europe and the rest of the world.

This unique event is a wonderful opportunity to find new friends all over Europe and of course the host nation. It is a great opportunity to discover the meaning of solidarity, fellowship and peace between humans and churches. Participants will be accommodated with local families in pairs or trios. Registration will open in the autumn but it is good to save the dates today!

“Strangers can help us discern the presence of Christ and once more grasp that he remains with us always. (...) Will we dare to set out again not alone but with others, mutually enriched, as we journey together?” (brother Matthew, prior of Taizé community Letter for 2024)

We hope to meet young adults from your congregation in December in Tallinn!



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