wanneerzondag 29 oktober t/m zondag 5 november 2023
 titelCongres - Int. Federation of Nativity Scenes

Van zondag 29 oktober t/m zondag 5 november 2023 wordt in Sevilla, Spanje een congres gehouden door de Internationale Federatie voor Kerststallen bij gelegenheid van de 800ste verjaardag van de eerste kerststal in de grot van Greccio, Italië, gemaakt door H. Franciscus van Assisi.

The UN-FOE-PRAE (Universalis Foederatio Praesepistica), International Federation of Nativity Scenes, founded in 1952, is the entity that encompasses numerous nativity scene federations from more than 20 countries, aiming to maintain, revitalize and promote the nativity scene tradition and its artistic diversity, favoring its progress and development: “the nativity Scene, culture, art and tradition”.

At the meeting held in Rome on March 4th, 2017 the proposal presented by these entities regarding the celebration of the International Congress 2023 in Seville – Andalusia - Spain was approved.

The motto chosen from this Congress is Franciscus 1223-2023, in commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the first nativity scene that St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of nativity scenes, built in the cave of Greccio (Italy).


plaatsSevilla (Spanje)

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